We provide reliable and efficient services to our Client Base whilst conforming to the Company’s mission and vision
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Quality Policy and certificates
“EMAAR Industrial Building Solutions. shall provide reliable and efficient services to its Client Base whilst conforming to the Company’s mission and vision and the required legal and safety rules and regulations and to maintain Customer satisfaction. In order to achieve this, EMAAR Industrial Building Solutions implements a fully integrated documented Quality Management System as per Quality International Standards, for which the CEO is ultimately responsible.’’

This QMS ensures that EMAAR Industrial Building Solutions can fulfill its contractual obligations by:

Ensuring that all activities which directly affect the quality of service are carried out under strict controlled conditions.

Providing up to date instructions and training to all staff together with the promotion of quality awareness.

The CEO ensures that this policy is communicated understood and implemented at all levels in the Company.

Close and continuous monitoring and analysis of quality indicators which provide the feedback to enable quality improvement,
giving due regard to the human factor.
About us
EMAAR Industrial Building Solutions was established in 2023 in alkharag city, Our main scope is mainly focused on producing PVC frameworks which are usually used in construction projects

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